Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Voting Machine Vulnerabilities - Let's Not Downplay Them

'Letter to the Editor' submitted to the Nanaimo Daily News on Nov. 7/08. We'll have to wait and see if they publish it.

Dear Editor,
Your recent piece, Civil liberties group takes up Nanaimo vote complaint (Nanaimo Daily News, Oct. 30/2008), clearly demonstrates how poor a job the local media does in covering issues critical to the well-being of both their readers and the public at large. Having reviewed the correspondence (links are on Ron Bolin's blog, http://www.bolin08.net) and having spoken to Ms. McAllister on several occasions about her complaint, I find your paper guilty of the same thing as the Ombudsman's office in this case, failure to grasp the whole picture. Although this attitude pervades your entire story, I will use just a single sentence to demonstrate my point. You write, "(t)he provincial department found nothing wrong with how voting machines were used in Nanaimo." Now, before we even begin, I can tell you that your use of the word "nothing" convinces me that such a high standard willl not be met.
However, the main problem I have with the statement is that it might lead a reasonable person to believe that you are saying that there are no problems with using electronic voting machines in local elections. Since I know that you have been afforded the opportunity to learn about the serious concerns that security experts have repeatedly expressed about the vulnerability of these machines, I am sure that you didn't mean to leave that impression.
Lastly, a practical question - just how does one measure someone's 'intent'? This is yet another example of a legislation loophole big enough to drive a Mack truck through (just like the 'conflict of interest rules'), indicating to me that governments really aren't interested in holding anyone accountable.

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At 11:00 AM, Blogger Kirstin said...

Electronic electoral voter fraud is a sure thing if Harpy and Gordo get this disguised "efficiency and ease" wrapped falsification tool off the ground. BTW, in support of the poster who mentioned electronic electoral voter fraud in the Bush elections in the States, this is extremely well documented in Micheal Ruppert"s book "Crossing the Rubicon". A must read for any activist who wants to fully understand the assault on democracy and the environment that the powers that be utilize to institute the current state of affairs (NWO).

Another important point I would like to point out is that this mandatory voting issue is a sideline to the REAL ISSUE, which is, WHY DO NOT THEY COUNT SPOILED VOTES. Uhmm, cause this would show how many of the greater than 60% of the people who "don't vote" are actually voting by spoiling their ballots due to utter lack of an actual democratic governance system. And what are the cut off numbers that indicate that the election is a flop; I mean shouldn't we have a baseline number of minimum votes cast that below which the election is invalid.

Sovereignty here we come!

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

audience response system

I love the Information... Great Blog Post...


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